Impact Lever

Jon Ralinovsky
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 07:45:51 -0500

>I ordered a Mehaffey impact lever from Pianotek. They sent me one of 
>those adjustable weight levers as is shown in the Schaff catalog. A 
>rather presumptuous substitution, but I thought I would give it a 
>try on my own vertical with typical "new piano" pin tightness.
>With the weight all the way to the end I would bang this thing over 
>and over without the pin moving. This is not good. Is this 
>particular lever too light? Is the Mehaffey heavier? Does anyone who 
>has tried both have any insight?
>Dave Bunch

Check out Keith Bowman's articles concerning tuning hammer design in 
the recent Journal articles.  He's put a lot of thought into the 
design of his hammers; you can see pictures of them at Renner's 
website (


Jon Ralinovsky
Piano Technician
Department of Music
Miami University

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