Plate removal ???: Need more suggestions

Newton Hunt
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 12:55:43 -0400

I have only seen one piano where the plate could not be removed, because the
case was wrapped around and over the plate after it was installed.  Pain in the
butt that one.

There will be a way to get it out.  Look for screws that may allow the block to
come out while still attached to the plate.  Consider that maybe one of the
under keybed screws is not a wood screw but a machine screw locking in the upper

Maybe the stretcher comes out with the block and plate.

Take a magnetic stud finder and see if there is s crew head buried under the
veneer.  Not likely but possible.

Check for screws going up into the  block like Chickering.

Check for a screw going laterally into the side of the case.

You can take the keybed off, while the piano is on it's side but get a pipe
clamp and set it up as a push clamp, a spreader and set it up to slightly spread
the case before you take the keybed off.  Do not be surprised if the bed does
not come off, it could well be glued onto the case.

Lots of luck, I just ran out of ideas.


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