post-reno health: how's yours?

Warren Fisher
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 09:00:29 -0500

This is a great idea!  If you can't get the web page space, I can set up an
email folder that will filter a specific subject such as "Pianotech Chicago"
which will collect all this information.  It will be in my laptop when I get
there.  I will also send a rough list on Pianotech just before.  I will have
plenty of time for this.  My partner just took over managing control and
ownership of Fisher Piano Co. as of July first.  Yours Truly is footloose and
fancy free!  Piano work is now a hobby! :-) What'cha think?


Ron Nossaman wrote:

> Then again, maybe next year we can get a small corner of the PTG web page
> with a sign in list of names of those who intend going to Chicago so we'll
> have some idea who's attending and can make up prioritized social hit lists
> beforehand. Is that doable without more work than we're worth?
> Just a thought.
> Ron N

Warren Fisher RPT                   Beginners & Lurkers                 Basic Pianotech discussed
1422 Briarwood Dr.                  Ask any question.
Slidell, LA 70458-3102    

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