smoke damage

Christopher D. Purdy
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 12:36:18 -0400

>>Also, I tried to contact Majestic Piano Co. mentioned in the archives and
>>have not been able to get through.  Any and all help will be appreciated.
>Kepp trying to contact Majestic. If their site or e-mail isn't
>working, use the telephone. They were very helpful in giving over the
>phone advice (which didn't result in any work for them)
>Sorry, I don't have their numbers handy.
>Good luck,
>Patrick Draine.

I have been trying for about a week.  E mail is returned, user unknown, and
the all the phone numbers have been busy every time I try.  Either they are
on line or they have several teenage daughters.

Thank for the note.

-Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.
-School of Music, Ohio University
-Athens, OH  45701
-(740) 593-1656 office
-(740) 593-1429 fax

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