Chicago convention naming (was timing)

Bill Ballard
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 00:30:14 -0400

At 2:56 AM -0400 7/25/01, Billbrpt@AOL.COM wrote:
>I can see it now:  Wally Brooks RPT, Director of the 2005 PTG National in
>Atlantic City, NJ.  No room for any classes on "how to tune a piano out of
>tune" but 10 classes on player pianos.

Nothing wrong with Atlantic City. The NH Chapter party had its 
"National" for several years running at Ceaser's Place. This was back 
in the era when NH seceded from the Guild and allied itself with some 
real union power, the International Brotherhood of Dumpsters. 
"Houndog" Dempson was our local steward, and we were well served by 
Mr. Rudy Weisenguy, Regional Counsel; Mr. I. W. Mahoney state 
treasurer and fund manager, and Mr. Hiram Musselman, State Membership 
Officer. Through them we were introduced to Roy O. Paine, of the 
collection service, Paine & Diaz, among other benefits.

Atlantic City? Bring it on!

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"A jester unemployed is nobody's fool."
     ...........Danny Kaye, in "The Court Jester"

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