
jolly roger
Wed, 07 Nov 2001 09:40:52 -0600

Hi Clark,
             Cut a strip of 220 grit sand paper about 3/8" wide,  tuck it
firmly under the back of the knuckle,  (as close to the centre pin as
possible.)  pull (draw) the strip along the shank, a couple of times.  It
will help remove the indents and get some roundness back, also useful for
getting rid of unwanted graphite, and will raise some nap, to get the
teflon to burnish into the material.
   Now I could have called it strip filing.  Draw filing is when you use a
file, at right angles to the work piece, and draw it towards you.  It
produces a less aggressive  cut.  Often used as a finishing cut to remove
file marks. FWIW

This treatment is a band aid fix.  Cheap and nastey.

Regards Roger

At 12:20 AM 11/7/01 -0500, you wrote:
>List, While checking out the 20 Years.....CD's of the Journal, I found
>references to bolstering grand knuckles.  I think it was Roger Jolly that
>mentioned "draw filing" knuckles to regain some roundness.  Who can tell
>me how to do that, or some other quick and dirty method to reshape some
>fairly flattened knuckles?  What is "draw filing"? 
>Clark Sprague, RPT

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