compression waves

Richard Brekne
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 00:02:04 +0100

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> >Well... because everywhere I run into this experiment the results are the
> same.
> >The longitudinal frequency is determined by the speaking length, and the
> >frequencies propagate unhindered through the whole length of the medium. I
> have
> >found this example in about 15 different university physics websites so far.
> Excellent. And what do they tell you about the resulting frequencies on the
> far side of the bridge as they relate to the speaking length LM1? And how
> do they relate to transverse frequencies of the speaking lengths? No point
> in any of us wasting time on this if the duplicated results are posted in
> numerous places and all agree.
> Ron N

They tell us freind Ron that the resulting longitudinal frequencies go right
through, as I have already stated a few times. These websites do not, as far as I
can yet tell, say anything at all about how they relate to transverse frequencies
of the speaking lengths.. one thing at a time as you say.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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