Jim Coleman, Sr. pianotoo@imap2.asu.edu
Sat, 15 Sep 2001 11:39:04 -0900 (PDT)

The events at the WTC of 9-11 were not an act of war. There was no 
military objective. This was strictly terorism, meant to evoke scare
and feelings of insecurity. No doubt it was prompted by feelings on the 
part of the terrorists that they were getting revenge for pain which
brother arabs have felt in recent years. No doubt the Arab pilot was 
shouting "Allah is One" as he approached the high tower. Yesterday I 
heard a tape replay which went like this with an arabian accent: "Ladies 
and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking, we have a bomb on board,
Please remain in your seats..." HE LIED. "All liars shall have their part 
in Hell." 

Strict Islamic law does not permit a doctor to touch a woman 
who is not his wife (therefore women are second class citizens), so as a 
result women do not get the services which men get. However in another 
video clip, I saw a nude bar which several of the terrorists had 
recently where they spent hundred of dollars ogling and perhaps touching 
women who were not their wives. Does this sound like strict Islamic 
fundamentalism? I suspect that the perpetrators got a big surprise when 
they came face to face with God.

Obviously when people are programmed and filled with hate, they are not 
consistent in their beliefs and behavior. This same principle, however 
applies to Christians, Jews, and all religious groups, and yes, 
Humanists (declared by the Supreme Court to be a religious group) also. 
We in America must be careful to not let our emotions run away with us 
to the point where we are out of control with hate in our hearts. 

Justice, yes.

Jim Coleman, Sr.

PS Now for some piano related stuff. I am preparing a thing on how I now 
tune a piano using the SAT III. This is a new approach, not included in 
the manual. I will send it to those who request it. It is long for this 

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