self tuning piano????

Richard Brekne
Tue, 02 Jul 2002 21:03:17 +0200

 Wimblees@AOL.COM wrote:

>You make some very good points. I will agree that somewhere down the road 
>this might be a very good workable contraption, which might revolutionize
>music world. Cars and planes were invented, and it developed whole new 
>industries. But you just don't walk into a hanger and get in a plane. You 
>can't even drive a car without a license. Yes, almost every one knows how
>drive, but you have to have some degree of training. 

Grin... let me see if I understand this correctly Wim.... are you suggesting
that in the near future we will have to have a liscense to drive a piano....
even on our own property ??

>But what this 
>contraption is attempting to do, at this point, is like asking the run of
>mill customer to buy a car with a special contraption that automatically 
>changes the oil, adjust the timing, and even clean the spark plugs. If you 
>asked a mechanic about something like that, they would have the same
>I have. 

I thought thats what the new Chryslers did... :)

It isn't that the invention is useless. I list don't think it is 
>something that should be sold "over the counter."

Yes... this is definatly an "under the counter" item. :)


Just kidding Wim.

Richard Brekne
Griegakadamiet UiB

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