
Newton Hunt
Tue, 30 Apr 2002 21:44:50 -0400

1.  There may be someone out there who has rescaled this piano.  Likely not.
2.  I will provide you with a specification chart, you send it to a string 
winder for fabrication.
3.  I charge a one time fee of one tuning fee, yours.

You need to provide the following information:
  Speaking lengths of every note.
  Length of bass tails from speaking side of bridge pin to speaking side of
hitch pin.
  Core, wrap and under wrap diameters of first and last mono and bichord notes.
  I may suggest (on this size of piano certainly) wound strings for the middle
section in which you will provide necessary hitch pin distances.

It is a matter of looking at loudness factor, breaking %, tension, inharmonicity
and finding ways to make them all work together.

Very likely the piano can be made to sound six to twelve inches larger than it
actually is in the bass section, the weakness of early designs.

You can purchase Tremaine Parsons' PScale program, read the instructions and
have at it yourself.  Make your own mistakes, as I have, :)

		Newton Hunt

> I am working on gaining rebuilding skills.  I have a project in the works.  
> The patient, a 60+ yr old Baldwin Howard grand.  I haven't measured yet
> but looks to be about 5' in length.  The plate is out, the soundboard is 
> stripped and ready for shimming.  While I was removing the strings I
> noticed what I thought was inconsistent wire size changes.  Numbers weren't
> smooth at all.  Before I send the bass strings off to be duplicated I
> thought I might try to improve scaling (if possible).  
> Since I know less than nothing about scaling, and I have this wonderful
> resource (i.e., this list), I figured I could pick the brains of some of the
> "best out there."  
> Question 1:  Has anyone out there rescaled this particular model? And
> have the numbers available?
> if yes
> Question 2:  How do I let the string manufacturer know the new specs?
> Question 3:  Is there a charge for ones time already put into the data.
> Question 4:  How does this all work?  Do I need to ask more questions?
> Anxiously awaiting your response
> Mike Bratcher
> BTW..the pinblock in this thing is in near perfect condition.  Very good 
> torque throuthout.  The original owner must have never tuned it.

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