David Love/Scaling Question

Joseph Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Wed, 1 May 2002 09:41:43 -0700

Regarding your experience in having someone do a scale for you, that is
precisely my point. It is similar to a person buying an ETD, a tuning
hammer, mutes, etc., and declaring: " I are a tooner!" Just because the
"scaler" has the computer, geek knowledge and some credibility, does not
make their ideas useable. IMO it takes a lot of experience, in the trenches,
on your own pianos, with proper guidance, to begin to understand and be able
to INTELLIGENTLY, improve a given scale. If anyone chooses to purchase a
scaling program, or for that matter, design one, that does not,
automatically, make you a responsible "scale designer". Some of the ability,
is IMHO, intuitive. But, most is gained with in the trenches practical
As many of you know, I have been extremely critical of Bass String Makers,
(abbreviated BS Makers). For the most part, BS Makers, especially the long
established, "big box" types, are still living in the 19th century, with
their "Scale Sticks" and "Schraffing", (whatever the hell that is). BTW
there is no word, in the German language of Schraffing, (according to
several German Dictionaries). Where that came from is beyond me.
Now, many of these BS Makers are espousing "Scaling Available". To that, I
say BS. Most of them don't even have a clue what makes a good piano, let
alone how to accomplish it!
Rant over. Flame suit Zipped.
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

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