Gina Update

Wed, 1 May 2002 18:43:29 EDT

(James Baker is out of town so I am passing on the following)

The latest news re: Gina is that she is at home now. She is doing well but is 
still awfully weak and can't talk much because she is on oxygen to make up 
for less intake while her ribs heal.

 Gina 'Thanks' everyone for their prayers, thoughts and support while she was 
in the hospital. I am sure she will do so herself when she is able but I 
wanted to pass this on now..........

 Because her computer is upstairs and she can't climb the stairs right now 
she asks that you not e.mail ......and promises to let us know when she can 
do so again. 
 Also since she is weak and on oxygen she has very little volume in her voice 
and finds it difficult to hold a conversation for any lenghth of 
time.......So we should hold off calling her at home until she is better and 
lets us know it is OK..

 I know that a speak for a large audience when I say that we are lucky to 
still have Gina with us and are thankful for it......
Jim Bryant (FL)

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