Thu, 2 May 2002 12:31:01 +0200

Hello Ed,

Seee how it easy to write things that will be misunderstood by anyone which
is not enouth trained in action geometry and leverage appreciation.

 In order to have the leverage necessary to get a
> DW of 50 gr. with "monster" hammers (which I assume means heavy
> hammers), you  will need an extremely long hammer stroke (keydip), or an
extremely short blow distance.

When at first the expression seeems absolutely clear and true, if I read it
simply, you will understand that key deep or hammer blow will change
leverage, when they are only the result of the given leverage of the action,
and signs of what is going on in the action.

I guess that is because of my limited understanding of English, but I
suppose we don't "need" to have long key dip or short blow distance in the
case of too good leverage (for example 5.0). Having an action needing these
parameters to work means that the action have that kind of leverage, with
the mechanical advantage on the side of the key.

Just say that because it is a readibeality problem I hev find often, of
course when we cross check the different answers the truth shows.

With all my best.

Thanks mr Stanwood again !

Isaac OLEG

> Regards,
> Ed Foote

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