Virus Stuff (OT)

Richard Brekne
Thu, 02 May 2002 19:37:48 +0200

In the last few days I have had several emails be returned to me by my
server as undeliverable. Fine enough, except the subject of these mails,
and the addresses they were sent to are unknown to me. This got me
scratching my head and I have found out that it is dead on simple to use
someone elses email adress to send out what ever garbage you want and
make it seem like it came from them.

If anyone doubts me... just give a hoot... I will send an email from my
account, useing your address to an address I know is non-existant.  You
will get a notice from your mail server that the mail I sent was
undeliverable. I will not get that notice.

Its so ridiculously easy its absurd.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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