Large disk sander

Robert Goodale
Thu, 02 May 2002 14:21:33 -0700

I was looking at a large stationary sander recently made by Jet.  It is 
a full sized unit with a combination disk and 6" belt.  It was around 
$500.00.  A little over your budget but not by much and you get a belt too.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

Isaac OLEG SIMANOT wrote:

>I am lurking trying to find a large disk sander mounted on a table.
>With a $400 budget, is it enough ?
>For hammer thinning, what speed and grain will you consider ?
>Isaac OLEG
>19 rue Jules Ferry
>94400 VITRY sur SEINE
>tel : 033 01 47 18 06 98 
>fax : 033 01 47 18 06 90
>cell: 06 60 42 58 77 

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