Newton Hunt's workmanship

Richard Brekne
Fri, 03 May 2002 14:39:02 +0200

Newton Hunt wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> My prices are not the issue here, Ms. Klien as inquiring about my qualifications
> to do the work, not how much I was charging her.
> She made that inquiry at my request, to establish my competence.
> Remember, it is illegal for us to discuss prices so forget that pat of the post.
> So, guys, pull in your bristles and answer the question she asked.
>                 Newton

Ok Newton. Since you request it, bristles off. I would like to point out tho that
including prices in the way she did obviously didnt feel like a slick pin in a warm
smooth bushing to several.....

That point being made, I am sure any and all of us are willing to give both ball
park figures for work bids, and recommendations for people we know.... and happily

But since  you wish it... topic ended.

Cheers !

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