Pinblocks... Jim B.

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 03 May 2002 09:45:36 -0500

>I mentioned Delignit specifically because I have
>NOT used it and wouldn't want to offer an opinion
>as if I had.  There's something about having that
>many layers and that much glue making up the
>pinblock that I can't seem to get comfortable
>with the concepts of.  I think it might be Ron
>Nossaman who has used them with good success,

Yep, that was me. I used to use the multilaminate until I saw a couple of
them go from cracking tight to unusability in around three years. I haven't
seen this happen with Delignit. If they aren't going into extreme humidity
fluctuation conditions, the multilaminate blocks are just fine and are a
heck of a lot more forgiving to install. Having worked out methods for
dealing with it, I've just found it easier to use Delignit on everything
rather than going back and forth. It's first rate jig tooling stock too.

> You gotta use what
>works good for YOU.

That's the bottom line (except for the sig).

Ron N

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