
David M. Porritt
Fri, 03 May 2002 11:33:33 -0500

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This reply has me at a loss for appropriate words!!!!!!!   

If you're going to the convention this year to improve your skills,
that doesn't say much about your work last year does it.  If these
students are still practicing to improve, it doesn't say much about
their playing last year does it.  If your doctor researches new
treatment methods, it doesn't say much about his practice last year
does it.  If you car manufacturer.........

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On 5/3/2002 at 11:27 AM Wimblees@AOL.COM wrote:

While looking at the cover of the current Piano Technicians Journal,
I got to thinking about all the ads and articles about new and
improved pianos.  Yamaha has come out with their "S" series, Kawai
the "RX" and now the Shigru.  The artical about the NAMM show
detailed many improvements in several other pianos. 

Why is it that the only news from Steinway has been about new looks?
New furniture around the same old scales.  The picture on this
month's cover is impressive, but it's the same old "D" inside.  Have
they really already attained perfection?  Inquiring minds want to


I look at it the other way. Why do all the other manufacturers have
to keep coming out with new models? That tells me that even they are
not satisfied with what the have been building, and need to improve.
Doesn't say much for the previous pianos from the same company, does

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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