Yamaha damper question

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Fri, 03 May 2002 21:01:18 -0400


I still have two unanswered questions on this matter.  Are plated center
pins used in any new pianos?  Do I run the chance of buying plated center
pins from the parts people?


Clyde Hollinger wrote:

> Friends,
> Earlier this week I received a complaint that a key was sticking on a
> 1976 Yamaha G2 grand piano.  When I arrived I diagnosed the problem as
> the D#4 damper not returning to rest on the strings after the note was
> played.  I replaced the center pin holding the damper lever to the
> damper lever wire flange and all was fine.  The same thing had happened
> to the neighboring D4 damper three years ago.
> The removed pin looked discolored where it rotated in the felt bushing,
> so I decided to check it out under a microscope and see if I could learn
> something.  Some friends have a cheap one, but it served to show me that
> the center pin appeared to be deeply scratched around the pin.
> Now to my questions:  Is this a case of flaking plating that I heard
> about?  If not, what is likely the problem?  Are the center pins I buy
> from Schaff plated as well?  Will this become a chronic problem for this
> particular piano?  If so, is there any preventive measure I can take
> without replacing that center pin in every damper?
> Thanks,
> Clyde Hollinger, RPT

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