OFF (*was: neurology)

Reikiharp@AOL.COM Reikiharp@AOL.COM
Sat, 4 May 2002 08:27:10 EDT

In a message dated 5/4/02 2:27:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<<     When one normally tunes In Equal Temperamant this is not
 being in any way imposed on the client. One is working to an
 official and accepted standard, >>
             Yea , Yea, Yea, so everyones been colouring with a standard blue 
crayon for a hundred years t  hen suddenly the information age catches up 
with our industry and we discover that we have the super-size 101 color box 
of crayola crayons with the sharpener built in to the side of the box.          
                                    I really don't care what the standard is, 
but I think it best serves musicians to know what their options are. Open up 
that enormous box of crayons , tell them most people use the standard blue if 
you want , then extend your hand and share what you know, Let them choose.  
At that point if they say "do what you think is best" like many do. Do it.      
    Joseph D. Gotta RPT

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