Overhead Drill Press: Second Generation

Greg Newell gnewell@ameritech.net
Sat, 04 May 2002 11:02:23 -0400

Send away sir, send away!


At 09:56 AM 5/4/2002, you wrote:
>I have completed upgrades to my little-bit-wobbley first generation 
>overhead drill press and produce a very stable second generation version. 
>I replaced a drawer slide with a steel track and four wheels, and I 
>replaced a fishing boat seat swivel with a 3,500 lb-rated trailer spindle 
>and hub. Pretty darn stiff and stable now.
>Specs follow:
>X travel = 10 feet
>Y travel = 2 feet
>Rotation (in the X Y plane) = 360 degrees
>Tilt = 25 degrees forward to 10 degrees back (can be reversed by simply 
>rotating drill head)
>Pics available for the new toy of the week!
>Terry Farrell

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