to A442 & back(D)

Phil Bondi
Sat, 04 May 2002 15:26:53 -0400

Dave, in my 'contract' that I do concert work for, it states:

"Any request for a different pitch than the one already established,(A=440)
The Artist will first be asked to use the Baldwin SD-10 instead of the
Steinway D (The Baldwin handles 442 just fine). If the Baldwin is not an
option, then the Steinway will require 2 tunings to stablize A=442 and
another 2 tunings to re-stablize A=440."

To be honest with you, that '3rd' tuning, the show I'm tuning for _after_ a
442 on the Steinway, I'm still seeing a sharp bass/tenor break area, and the
top octaves aren't quite stable yet.

I see the same thing you see: it seems tougher coming back down.

-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

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