Curve on Bridge Bottom

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 05 May 2002 11:46:07 -0500

>     I do remember reading an article in ptj some years ago about the S&S guys
> changing the rim shape in the diaphramtic models ,of which this L isn't one.
> Seems they raised the trble edge to meet the board sooner in an attempt to
> reduce the bending strains we've discussed. I'll have to go back and read it
> again.
>            .>>>>>>>>>>>>Dale>>>>>>>>>>

That would make sense. In the context of compression crowned boards,
diaphragmming the panel would lessen and weaken crown, so they would try to
minimize that long grain loading to try to avoid pushing the top half flat
immediately upon assembly. I wonder if they really did do that, and how if so,
much they deviated from plane.

Ron N

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