Cat's paw prints......

Greg T
Sun, 5 May 2002 12:47:54 -0500

If they are just slightly discolored the Scotch Brite pads can make them
look good again and it really won't change the tone. But most likely it
would not be a permanent solution...

Now, what about the treble strings...

It seems to me that if the bass strings have paw prints on them then most
certainly the cat walked across a few treble strings as well...


----- Original Message -----
From: <A440A@AOL.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: Cat's paw prints......

> > They claim the cat didn't do any more than walk over the strings.  (No
> >other calling cards).  Now they have discoloration on the copper windings
> >from the animals paws.  I suggested using 3M ScotchBrite pads and lots
> >of elbow grease.  Anyone have any other suggestions?
> First, shoot the cat.  Then have a discount sale on damaged pianos......
>    The stains are from the acidic reaction to the cat's paws having been
> the litter box, (or at least, that is what has happened to several of my
> customers, and no, none of them went for suggestion #1).
>     I don't remember any successful way to clean bass strings once they
> been corroded like this.
> Almost anything you do will damage the sound.
> Ed Foote RPT

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