Newbie; Cleaning actions

Mike and Jane Spalding
Sun, 5 May 2002 17:32:39 -0500


This is the best place for techs of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to ask questions.  We were all "newbies" at one time, some of us still are.  Even the most experienced have areas whre we need help and advice.  Ask away!

Action cleaning:  Before I had compressed air, I would use a stiff bristle brush and a shop-vac.  I still start with the brush and vac, but just a quick once-over.  Then out to the back porch for a thorough blow-down with compressed air.  Once the dust is gone, you've got pins, capstains, and springs to polish (Flitz, auto parts store), key-sides to scrape (single edge razor or utility knife blade), etc. etc.

You've picked a fascinating career, and I wish you the best of satisfaction and success.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Claudia Cimenti <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 12:22 PM
Subject: Newbie; Cleaning actions

> Hi all,
> First, a couple words to introduce myself: I am a piano technology student 
> and in the process of restoring my first upright piano. It is a very 
> educational experience. I have been subscribed to this list for a few days 
> now, and find it very interesting to read the ongoing discussions. Thank 
> you for letting me "listen in", even though I am not as experienced yet as 
> all of you.
> A couple questions:
> 1. Is it ok on this list for a piano tech newbie to ask questions or is 
> there a better venue for that? I am not yet a member of the PTG, but plan 
> on joining very soon.
> 2. A quick question on cleaning actions: The old upright I am restoring has 
> an extremely dirty action. It is very very dusty. How would you go about 
> cleaning this? I would be interested in hearining how you would go about 
> doing this with a minimum set of tools ("the hard way"), or in an 
> established shop.
> Thank you very much in advance for your replies.
> Regards,
> /Claudia

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