to A442 & back(D)

Avery Todd
Sun, 05 May 2002 21:18:17 -0500


As Newton says, D's don't "like" to have their pitch changed!


At 11:03 AM 05/04/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Steinway D, in a Hall.
>Artist shows up 12 noon, announces it must be A442.
>So I crank fast 8 cents and leave, returning
>just before the show to tune.
>Cranked it back down this morning,
>I actually found this more difficult then
>bringing it up, three passes, it still is not
>as stable as it was before I began. Mind you
>it had been tuned many times lately.
>1) Is it my imagination because I am looking for it,
>or does this really destabilize a 9 foot as much as I
>think it has. I am finding I have  to reseat strings
>on the bridge, and go over, and over certain sections.
>And the piano was getting so stable before....
>2) How many would refuse to do this. It concerns me
>because the request  could come often on account of
>location. This hall using lots of Quebec based touring
>acts out of Montreal. I am in Quebec, at the border of
>Ontario. Since Montreal symphony uses A442, some
>musicians insist on it, and some insist on A440.
>   I could see this request once a month. After doing
>it once, It does not excited me.  I have only recently
>acquired a couple D's to tune for 2 halls, and
>apparently a 9 foot board is mighty "flexible" if that
>is the right word, ie: it perhaps moves more.
>                          Dave Renaud
>                          RPT
>                          Canada
>Games, Movies, Music & Sports!

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