HTs at conferences/conventions, was:Re: Not at the PTG Convention

Avery Todd
Sun, 05 May 2002 22:16:30 -0500


Do you think he actually wants to know something like this??????
I wish but it's not likely!


At 09:15 PM 05/05/02 -0500, you wrote:
>At 15:03 05/05/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>>Yes, it is a big issue and you are yet another person who wants and needs 
>>to be able to make and hear side by side comparisons.  What better forum 
>>than the PTG Convention?  Forget it.  They don't want you to hear this 
>>because if you do, you might like what you hear and then things might 
>>start to change, people might write more articles, artists might start 
>>asking for it, etc.
>It wasn't a convention, but at last month's Central West Regional 
>_Seminar_ at nearby (to you) Rochester, MN,  we had a special recital, 
>performed on harpsichord and fortepiano which were tuned in different 
>temperaments. Hc in meantone, fp in well.
>My tunings may not have been perfect, but if you haven't already, you 
>might ask Tim Farley how much interest there was in the 
>temperaments.  After the recital, people were crowded around both 
>instruments asking not only about the instruments, but their tuning.
>You might also note that Tim was there as an instructor.
>Conrad Hoffsommer -  Decorah, IA
>Usually I try to take it one day at a time, but lately several have 
>attacked me at once...

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