
John Musselwhite
Sun, 05 May 2002 22:31:57 -0600

At 10:52 PM 04/05/02 -0400, David wrote:

>John, I'm sure you have seen the fit and finish of new Steinways, I'm not 
>sure how you can say they have retained the same quality and integrity.

The same quality and integrity as *when*? Ever seen any from the late 
1960s? The new pianos are outright gems compared to some of those.

>I wish they would take the money spent on R&D for their fancy art cases 
>and use it to raise quality, consistancy and technical developement.

What... and buck tradition?

>Steinway is not the same as most other companies and relies 
>unproportionatly on its mostly deserved reputation, a reputation that has 
>an abnormaly high factor in its percieved worth.  A reputation that I 
>believe we all recognize has a great deal to do with mystique.

Quite a few books have been written on the subject and they're all worth 
reading if you have anything at all to do with Steinways.

>I hope taking on other lesser lines doesn't de-mystify the consumers 
>confidence in the Steinway piano

It hasn't hurt Gibson or Martin.

>that is slipping in consistancy, technical developement and in my humble 
>opinion quality.

Well, everyone's entitled to their opinions. Mine is that throughout their 
history some of their pianos have been better than others and some not as 
good and most (other than in some eras) have been from quite acceptable to 
spectacular for what they are after a good technician gets their hands on 
them. According to people I've talked to who had worked in the factory as 
far back as the 1930s it has always been that way.


John Musselwhite, RPT    -     Calgary, Alberta Canada
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