Getting the action parts

Claudia Cimenti
Mon, 06 May 2002 12:56:49 -0700

Hi all,

I am somewhat confused.  In one of the posts re: my request about how to 
clean an action, somebody wrote:

>Avoid using anything wet to clean the action.

At the same time, other people recommend using certain liquid recipes to 
get the action clean. Today I read about people taking damper assemblies 
into the shower to get the damper felt off...

So, is it ok for action parts to become wet? I guess there is a distinction 
to be made between using a small amount of liquid on a rag to clean stuff, 
and then drying it off vs. putting a whole assembly in liquid. What are 
possible ramifications of getting action parts wet? Next to felts coming 
off, what about center pin bushings, etc?

Thanks in advance for your clarifications.


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