My 1st EBVT

Phil Bondi
Mon, 06 May 2002 18:24:27 -0400

Today was the day, and the subject was a new 6' Pearl River.

Following the instructions(aural) available on Bill's website, I was able to
fashion what seemed to be something other than ET, and it worked.

There were a couple of keys that I question my own twisting and turning of
pins: The key of B was, let's say, active...and the key of Ab was not quite
as active.

Seeing that this was my first attempt at something other than ET(aurally), I
will give myself the benefit of the doubt and say that perhaps I didn't have
1 or 2 notes set quite right. I'm not questioning the instructions on the
site..rather my own judgement calls on setting the temperament.

What I liked:

-The 'simpler' keys of C, F, G, D and even Eb sounded smoother and cleaner.

-Using the "Expanded Octaves" that came with the instructions, I really like
how the top end sounded, but I question the bass beyond the tenor break.

-I'm not much of a classical player, but the opening passage of "Clair De
Lune" sounded just chops are geared more towards Jazz, and my
impressions of Bill Evans sounded fine.

-I'll try this again to see if I can get the Key of B to sound better than
it did.

What I didn't like:

-no one to critique me..if there's no one around to say this note or that
note is set incorrectly, then I am left to make my own judgement calls..not
necessarily a bad thing, but there's always someone out there who knows more
than you, and that's where I'm coming from.

- I didn't necessarily like how the Bass sounded, but that could be the
result of my own faulty judgement calls.

I'll try it again, because it was fun, different, and an aural challange.

-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

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