ETD disparagy

Robert Scott
Tue, 07 May 2002 17:13:57 -0400

Richard Brekne wrote:

I have found a potential problem that I want all your thoughts on. The
last week or so I have had my trusty laptop out for some experimentation
with TuneLab and it seems like there is quite often a difference between
reading a notes partial when played normally, and reading that same
partial when playing with the fingernail half-muting the string to
accent the partial.  Further it seems like the latter is the more
accurate of the two.

Anyone else ever notice this or have an explanation for this. It seems
most prevalent from about 1500 hz upover. The problem also seems to be
lessened a bit when muting off the duplex lengths... tho I still can
note different readings when half-muting and not.

In all cases so far usual play results in a lower frequency then
half-muting the same partial.

Thoughts ?

After performing some experiments on one string of A4 and measuring
the 4th partial (which is over 1500 Hz), I was unable to observe the
effect that you mention.  In fact, to the limits of the accuracy
of the measurement, the 4th partial of A4 when played normally is
the same as when half-muting the 1/4 point on the string and
plucking with my finger nail.

Can you be more specific about your experiments?  How many cents
difference did you observe?  Did the chosen string have any
falseness?  Were the plucking vs. striking amplitudes similar?

-Robert Scott
  Detroit-Windsor Chapter

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