tuning <> TUNING

Isaac OLEG SIMANOT oleg-i@wanadoo.fr
Tue, 7 May 2002 23:53:21 +0200


When tuned in  HT, or even alternate quasi ET, the instability will not be
hear because it is very few musicians only that can check for example the
color of a tuning and say if they agree with it (I've experimented that in
tuning 2 instruments in reg meantone for a small ensemble for 12 days)

When the people will accept an alternate temperament, they will accept that
their piano will be less in tune in fact than with ET.

ET is not very forgiving, the more precise you are the more easy the flaws
are heard (and the unisons may be very pleasing for the piano to give its
full color) . It is way more difficult to hear errors in HT or alternate
(but in octaves , doubles and triples)

Very few of my respected colleagues here tune very perfect ET , and indeed
since I use VT100 to extract the best ET tuning of the pianos, some
colleagues have complained that they don't have the time to produce a so
even result, they can't correct the tuning in the same way, because they
prefer their own temperament sequences, with difference as large as 1.5 t0
2cts in the temperament.

As their sequences differ, their results differ too. With time, we have
found an acceptable standard but, some notes are more prone to move than

If I am in a hurry, the game I have is to found the temperament sequence
used lastly, so I can tune in the mood of the precedent tuner. If I have
time, I use the VT100, but I check tonally (fifths and twelve's) to keep an
ear in tone color, even if the "perfect ear" ability tend to push me towards
a very pure ET.

Beside, the very little moves, are not very hard on the global stability of
the piano - 2 cycles mean a lot more that these little tweaks.

Just my 2 cts

Isaac OLEG

> Possibly adding to the many weirdnesses inherent in the forest of
> conflicting concerns, I have a question.
> Since a piano, particularly a S&S D, can't be tuned at a 2 cycle (or much
less in some cases) pitch change without charging at least a day's work for
it, how about going from ET to one of the more extreme temperaments? Or from
a non-equal temperament to ET, just in case of revelation resistance.

> So what I'm wondering is what makes the horrors of a minor pitch
> change not manifest themselves when tuning to a different temperament?
> Ron N

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