Got some dough to blow, good prices on strings/hammers??

Stephen Airy
Wed, 8 May 2002 06:19:51 +0000

It looks like I'll be financially able to restring my piano based on
prices I heard several months ago, but I wanted to check on current
prices.  What I want to know is:   What's the current price (if I order
through an RPT that I know) of:
a set of bass strings (I heard Mapes are good, what other good ones are
there?), a set of tuning pins (probably 3/0 or 4/0 - according to the
inch-pounds torque test (the little-finger-hitting-hammer-method)
outlined in Randy Potter's book, my pins are in the ballpark of 40-70
pounds or so, 12 sizes of treble wire (what's a good brand? I've heard
names like Mapes, Roslau, etc.)?  Also, if I still have enough after
that, what's the current rate to have rescaling done, and the current
price on Ronsen or Renner 14lb upright hammers (27-note bass)?
  Stephen Airy

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