ETD disparagy

Richard Brekne
Wed, 08 May 2002 09:17:48 +0200

Mike and Jane Spalding wrote:

> Ric,
> Will your client be playing the piano with or without "half-muting" the strings?


> Seriously, I would guess that your fingernail on the string (at the node?) is altering the pitch of the partial.  I would be inclined to tune the piano using the readings taken without touching the string.
> Mike

Hmmm.. I'm not sure about this.... I have tuned 6 instruments in the past weeks in an experiment using just the 3rd partial of referenceing notes and I bumped into this problem because I noticed that sometimes
the ETD wouldnt pick up the partial clearly enough. So I would accent it by half muting. In the C5 - C6 range this gives a much stronger (and apparently clearer) signal to the ETD. You can see this both in the
way the phase display works and in the strength and clarity of the "spike" in Tunes Labs frequency display.  I started double checking this then around the whole piano and found a definant tendancy on many
(tho not all) notes.  I havent checked this on RCT yet, tho I suppose it would be the same.

In as much as in the higher range the signal is quite obviously stronger and clearer, I would tend to think that the half muted (yes at the node) would be more accurate, and perhaps would be so exactly because
it isolates that partial better ??.. giveing less extraneous interference from perhaps string noise, falseness... other variables ??

In any case it seemed to yield much more dependable results when listening to beating intervals...

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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