Got some dough to blow, good prices on strings/hammers??
Wed, 8 May 2002 12:54:25 -0500

>How would I do that?
>On Wed, 08 May 2002 09:52:56 -0400, "Greg Newell"
><> said:
>>  Stephen,
>>           You seem somewhat serious in your endeavors in piano
>>           technology.
>>  Why not set up an account with the various supply houses yourself?
>  > Greg
>   Stephen Airy

Stephen, Greg, List,

By the mere factor of asking how one would set up an account with a 
place of business sends a significant signal to me that legal age 
might be a very relevant factor here. I'm certainly willing to be 
corrected of course.

Also, working on one's own piano doesn't really equate to being in 
the business of tuning and repairing pianos, which is the primary 
purpose, as I have always understood it to be, of the piano supply 
houses that have existed prior to the internet supply houses that 
have arisen over time which more easily serve private consumers as 


Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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