HT's in RPT exam? was Re: Jorgensen vs Isacoff

Richard Brekne
Thu, 09 May 2002 21:56:36 +0200

> Charles Neuman writes:
>> That's pretty interesting. I'm curious about something. What would
>> you do
>> if someone approached you and said they wanted to take the tuning
>> exam in
>> a specific non-ET temperament? The examining committee could be made
>> up of
>> HT-friendly people. Would you be allowed to do that? Just curious.
>> If
>> someone tried that, that would be an interesting precedent.

I would have no problem with that. But I think the testing proceedure as
a whole would have to change a bit.  While another thread going on right
now makes such a point out of how precise the ET temperament is, I find
it odd that then such a clear and precisely defined thing should be so
darned difficult to simply measure instead of the present method for
testing. I would think that HT's would in any case have to be analysed
more from a measuring point of view.

Shouldnt be too difficult really given todays technologies... We have
beat rates specifications for just about any interval in any
temperament.... and well..... 3 bps is three bps.... no matter how many
RPTs are in aggreement or not about whether they sound good or not. :)

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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