Grey market Yamahas

William R. Monroe
Thu, 9 May 2002 18:09:13 -0600


> ....but now these Japanese have .......

Really, "these Japanese?"  Kindly refrain from attributing acts of any
nature to an entire race or ethnicity.  This is an international forum and
this type of bigotry is unwelcome.

> It is
> part of the Japanese tradition of PREDATORY CAPITALISM.  Just like the way
> Yamaha purchased their only competition (Pianocorder) to put it out of
> business when they came out with their new Disklavier player system.

Does Rockerfeller mean anything to you?  Standard Oil?  Microsoft?  Pick a
US Company.  When america does it it's entreprenuership, when Japan does it
it's "predatory capitalism?"

William R. Monroe
PTG Associate
Salt Lake City, UT

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