Piano Wire

Claudia Cimenti claudia_cimenti@mail.com
Fri, 10 May 2002 01:11:45 -0700

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It was quite by chance that I came across the following:

New England Piano String
80 Amaranth Avenue
Medford, MA 02155
Phone: (781) 393-4205
Fax: (781) 393-4325
E-mail: neps_strings@hotmail.com

Maybe they're worth checking out?

Thought you'all would like to know,

At 09:06 PM 5/9/2002 Thursday, you wrote:
>I have used several different brands of piano wire, over the years. A few
>years ago, I decided to try the Mapes wire. I found it to be stiffer and to
>have a brighter tone. For me, that was exactly the wrong direction to go.
>So, I threw it out. Besides, I don't like their packaging or their attitude.
>I like the consistancy of Roslau wire. If I had my druthers, I much prefer
>Black Diamond or some other AMERICAN wire, but thanks to the terrible
>attitude of US Steel, that's not possible. My next trial wire will be the
>"Pure Tone" stuff. I am curious and would like to try it. The problem there
>is I need to find out what the math/density coeficient is for the scaling
>program. Any one have a thought on that?
>Just My Opinion. Flame suit zipped up. <G>
>Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Claudia Cimenti
Northborough, Massachusetts
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