
Richard Brekne
Fri, 10 May 2002 10:05:39 +0200

Joseph Garrett wrote:

> Gentlemen/Ladies,
> The possiblility of testing, using an HT, is quite possible. However, the
> "Rub", is: you would have to have 3 RPTs capable of tuning the piano in a
> specific HT. Just finding 3 RPTs in the same location, that are CTEs AND
> knowledgable in HTs, is, in my opinion a tough nut to crack.
> Just my thoughts on the subject, having done a few exams in ET. <G>
> Regards,
> Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Yep.. you hit the nail on the nose... or what was that phrase.... But there
IS an alternative to the present testing proceedure that is very workable,
just as fair,  probably ten times easier to arrange and administer, and quite
transferable to the ET testing procedure.  I mean all praise to the guys and
gals that went so to THEEE degree out of their way to come up with a fair
testing proceedure....... but frankly, in this day of 2 gigahz laptops it is
unneccessarily cumbersom.

Any temperament can easily be looked at as a recipe giving beat rates for
various intervals. And any tuning can easily be measured to see if it
conforms to any given recipe.

Actually it would seem to me that any RPT  should be able to sit down with
any beat rate recipe for a temperament and execute a decent example of that

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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