yamaha parts

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Fri, 10 May 2002 07:52:01 -0500

>Reasonable point Ron. But I still think it stinks. Why don't Kawais have 
>these problems?
>Terry Farrell

Are you being inundated with twenty+ year old Kawais built for the Japanese
market? We aren't here, but the few old Kawais I have seen that were
brought in relatively recently from Japan do have similar age, wear, and
humidity related problems.

Also, the responsibility for all those poor betrayed consumers that are
buying gray market Yamahas for which Yamaha won't sell parts, doesn't rest
entirely on Yamaha. It also rests on the people who continue to sell these
pianos (knowing Yamaha's policy toward them) to the unsuspecting public who
think they are getting a good deal. Where's all the self-righteous
indignation against the dealers who continue to sell these pianos without
informing the buyers of the situation. Who's the predatory capitalist?

Ron N

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