Just Intervals?

Susan Kline sckline@attbi.com
Fri, 10 May 2002 07:53:00 -0700

At 10:41 AM 5/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>After taking initial umbrage at whether a cellist could tune a third, I 
>realized I should clarify that the incident involved a first inversion chord!

I took umbrage, as well. I made up a snippy comment about it, but thought 
better of it.

I'm not at all sure that string players _ever_ played true "just" thirds, 
the ones which are many cents different than tempered. It just would make 
all the other notes and intervals so difficult to get right, and everyone 
has always agreed (IMHO) that fourths, fifths, and octaves should be "true".

Too much to do -- I still mean to respond to Bradley's post about 
semitones. For one thing, I want to find out what technology he used to 
analyze the violin recording, and how it got around the vibrato problem. 
Did it give answers as Hertz? If so, it would be very interesting to see 
the raw data, if the Hertz readings are still available.


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