Tuning Curves - see what you ear

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sat, 11 May 2002 12:17:00 +0200

Isaac OLEG SIMANOT wrote:

> I probably want to "hear what I see"  more than that ;>)
> Partial coincidence does not open my ears enough, in short, then with open
> ears I can use the display, but will often tune a little different of it
> (RCT). May be because nobody listening to music will listen to coincidence
> of partials, or not in this way.
> But I am pretty sure you understand me.

Yes, I understand, and I am one hundred percent with you. But thats really only
a danger if you lean to heavily on the ETD to tune.  I dont accept the single
partial tuning curve as representing a "correct" or "acurate" tuning in that
sense to begin with. What it IS, is simply a set of rules for arranging a
particular tuning solution, and after its own fashion does an interesting enough
and certainly "good" enough job of it.

But I like using Tunelab to look for things about tuning.  I still wish it was
set up to display 4 frequencies at once, along with a couple other goodies. Tune
Lab is a decent enough ETD, but it could be a knock out learning tool as well.

> Regards.
> Isaac OLEG

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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