1969 Steinway L CBS?

Bigeartb@AOL.COM Bigeartb@AOL.COM
Sat, 11 May 2002 18:29:15 EDT

     I started this CBS 1969 discussion a few days ago when a large church 
received a Steinway L, 1969. The non musicians of the congregation said the 
piano sounded as if it had a pillow stuck in the middle of it. All piano 
players were going bonkers trying to play this thing. The #1 pianist is a fat 
girl who told me before the congregational hymns were over she had begun to 
sweat like a hog trying to get the thing to sound mezzo forte. After 
carefully evaluation and a careful touch of the masters hand on the action 
parts and some carefully voicing,  I am now smiling. The pianist is smiling 
and not sweating. The pastor is smiling. The Minister of Music is smiling and 
so is the congregation. This piano now plays and sounds wonderful. The 
diamond of pianos is once again shinning in brilliant luster and I am proud 
to have been gifted enought as as a musician and technician to have given all 
these people a wonderful gift. The gift of beautiful music.  
     Just for information so I will be much smarter.......WHAT YEARS DID CBS 

thank you all,
Tommy Black

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