Pinblocks and o/s pins

Mon, 13 May 2002 07:32:58 -0400

25 cents each. I have bought them from Web Phillips, but you can cut your own from the material of your choice. I have always removed the plate and used 1/2-inch diameter plugs. My understanding is that you can use 3/8-inch diameter plugs with a plate that uses tuning pin bushings without removing the plate - however, I have never done that. 

I think that in upright situations where the plate is not removed, folks have to make the assumption that the block is in decent shape. That may or may not be a good assumption. I think it is true that upright blocks hold up better than grand blocks because of their being somewhat isolated from the outside environment (sides and back). When I've done plugging, I use un-thickened West System epoxy to set the 1/2" plugs into a 17/32" hole (or there abouts - just big enough to let the epoxy ooze back up and out around the plug). I chose epoxy because it will have the added benefit of seeping into any little cracks, etc. and strengthen the block. I did a square grand recently, where of course you need to make some assumptions about the internal condition of the block. Epoxy makes me sleep better at night. I would hesitate to use epoxy on the 3/8" plugs with the plate in place - fearing that you will epoxy the plate in plate for ever more. So in that case you would loose the benefit of the epoxy.

I guess the bottom line is that I only feel comfortable taking the plate out and setting 1/2" plugs into epoxy. I would consider the 3/8" plug with plate in using wood glue to be the next step better than CA or sandpaper shims - although it should be a very good repair IF the block is in good shape - but you are right - it's hard to tell.

Terry Farrell
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Pinblocks and o/s pins

> Terry,
>  I have never plugged a block.What is the expense,material wise,and where do 
> you buy them?In an upright,how do you know if the block will stand being 
> plugged,without removing the plate?
>  Thanks,
> Hazen Bannister

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