QRS player system

Mon, 13 May 2002 09:57:43 EDT

I have the golden opportunity to improve the life of a piano player who must 
spend 8 hours a week playing on a horrible piano at a local restaurant.  It's 
a Story&Clark baby grand with a QRS Player system.  The piano's touch, 
generally very heavy, is so very uneven as to be difficult to play.  I 
haven't measured downweight, but I bet it's all over the place.  

I've never worked on a piano with a QRS playing mechanism.  First of all, 
what will I find inside?  Will I be able to remove the action without 
damaging the player?  Secondly, can I regulate the action without throwing 
off the player mechanism so that it won't function well?  And thirdly, could 
the player mechanism itself be at fault, in terms of making the piano play so 

I am doubly motivated to improve the situation on this piano, because the 
unfortunate pianist who has to play it for 8 hours/week is me.


Tom Sivak


There are two ways you could help.  Either advise me on the QRS situation, or 
send me enough new tuning clients that I can quit this gig.

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