QRS player system

Brian Trout grandrestorations@yahoo.com
Mon, 13 May 2002 11:07:47 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Tom,

Just taking a break for lunch and checked in to
find your message.

I suspect that the majority of the problems you
are seeing with the piano are indeed the fault of
the piano.

>From what I've seen of the QRS system, it
normally doesn't have any contact with the action
of the piano except when actually playing the

The solenoid rail is located under the action and
when a solenoid is activated, it pushes up on the
back of the key.  (There is another solenoid
located near the trapwork that will activate the
sustain pedal on some installations.)

On the ones I've seen (and I know things can
change over time), the action can be removed
without harm to the system.  If there is a record
strip in the front of the action frame, there
will probably be a wire that'll need to be
unplugged on the bass side of the action.  If
it's there, it should be pretty self explanitory.
 (Be gentle.)

Were it mine, I'd go ahead and get busy with the
action without much worry over the player.  It
may need some adjustments when you get the piano
back to a more normal playing setup, but it may
play very well just the way it is.  If it was
installed when the piano was in good regulation,
putting the piano back into good regulation might
also help the player funcion. (?)  Key height and
key dip are the things most likely to affect how
the player will work after the regulation simply
because the solenoids are set up to start at very
near the key up position and stop at very near
the key down position.  (Think about it a bit,
and I think you'll figure out where I'm going
with that.  I could probably write for an hour
trying to explain...)

Good luck,

Brian T.

Brian Trout
Grand Restorations
3090 Gause Blvd., #202
Slidell, LA  70461

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