Hammer tapering Jig

Susan Kline sckline@attbi.com
Mon, 13 May 2002 16:28:17 -0700

At 05:38 PM 5/13/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Greetings listees,
>         Sometime ago we were talking about hammer tapering jigs and I 
> remember a post from Jon Page (I think) who had a design whereby you 
> could taper the tail while it is on the shank. This is impossible with 
> Bill Spurlock's jig

It's only impossible on his old jig, which I built from his plans. His new 
jig allows you to shape tails of either mounted or unmounted hammers. I 
built another, where the swinging piece accommodates a mounted hammer and 
shank. It has worked wonders for me on three or four actions by now.

Make the rotating piece just like the one you already have, except the 
dowel it hangs on has to be shorter. Instead of inserting a little piece of 
hammer shank in the end, rout a slot down the length of it, flush with the 
little shelf on the end where the hammer rests. The shoulders of the 
"working end" are chamfered back, just like the other jig, to allow for the 
hammer felt. At the far end, away from the hammer, rout out one of the 
sides to accommodate the knuckle.

Try it, you'll like it.


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