Hammer tapering Jig

Greg Newell gnewell@ameritech.net
Mon, 13 May 2002 23:38:52 -0400

HAND TOOLS????? Egads Man that sounds like work!!! Actually a little like 
fun too as i just sharpened my favorite little plane's blade and I can 
shave with it .... though I won't. Perhaps I'll try this. Certainly more 
expedient than making another jig.
Thanks John (and Jon) {:-)


At 08:23 PM 5/13/2002, you wrote:
>At 5:42 pm -0400 13/5/02, Greg Newell wrote:
>| Sometime ago we were talking about hammer tapering jigs and I remember a
>| post from Jon Page (I think) who had a design whereby you could taper the
>| tail while it is on the shank. This is impossible with Bill Spurlock's jig
>| and.....
>I do all my tapering with an extremely sharp rabbet plane and though it is 
>easier to do it without the shanks, it is quite feasible with the shanks 
>on.  I generally need about eight pulls per side to taper the square 
>Steinway tails from 12 mm down to 7 or 8.  Hold the plane in one hand and 
>pull the hammer towards you over the plane blade.  I need hardly say that 
>you need to keep your fingers in the right position.  I hold the felt 
>between thumb and third finger while pressing the tail agains the plane 
>with my index finger.
>I recognise this is a slower procedure than using sanding tools, but the 
>result is far cleaner and better looking and the method is traditional.

Greg Newell

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