Recovering Keytops

John Ross
Tue, 14 May 2002 14:38:45 -0300

Hi List,
I have two questions, re methods of recovering keys.
     1-  Are there any dedicated key recovering machines, other than the
Oslund for purchase by the average piano technician?
      2- Of the assorted jigs around, which is the best?
Thanking, in advance for the advice to be given.
Thank you for the replies, re the slipping eye, on new bass strings.
It appears that yes, by having a bad scale, it may cause, an improperly made
eye to slip, with the extra tension. But if the eye is made properly, the
string would probably break before eye slipped.
Do most string makers, buy the core wire with the eye already on the wire?
Does this mean there is just one supplier?
It appears that different suppliers of bass strings have had the same
Best regards
John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia.

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