center pins in the field

Richard Oliver Snelson
Tue, 14 May 2002 14:03:44 -0500

Cut a piece of soft cloth into a 12" by 1" wide. Insert several pins of
each size through the cloth like you would a straight pin. Mark the
cloth above the pins with there size. Roll the cloth and put it into a
35mm film can. I still carry the large pin carrier, but it stays in a
tool box in my car that I can go to in case I run out of something in my
to the house case. 

Tvak@AOL.COM wrote:
> In my continuing effort to have everything I could possibly need in the
> field, I now carry my Schaff center pin container with me.  The thing is,  I
> don't need 50 center pins of each size to repair that wobbly hammer butt
> flange.
> I'm wondering if any of you have found, or improvised, a center pin container
> that is smaller and lighter (possibly containing just enough pins for a field
> repair) than the Schaff.
> Any ideas out there?
> Thanks,
> Tom Sivak

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